April 20, 2023

Changes in Guidelines for Judges
Albuquerque, NM – DA: New Guidelines for Judges Will Be Game Changer for Fighting Crime in Bernalillo County – Now the judges will make the decision who gets released – not the Arnold Tool.
Today Bernalillo County District Attorney Sam Bregman is applauding new changes by the court when it comes to deciding which suspects will remain in custody, and who should be released.
“For years, this community has faced a huge problem keeping dangerous suspects accused of violent crimes behind bars,” Bregman said. This week, new framework makes it clear the Arnold Tool recommendations will not even be considered until the judge makes the decision if a person suspected of a crime should stay behind bars, or be released.
“I want to thank the Judiciary for listening to the recommendations of the District Attorney’s Office to ensure the safety of the community,” Bregman said.
Since 2017, Judges in Bernalillo County have relied on what’s known as The Arnold Tool, which recommends which suspects should and should not be released before trial. Bregman said the tool was often recommending people be released, when they shouldn’t be.
Now the courts have revised guidelines. The New Decision Making Framework is as follows:
The Public Safety Assessment (“PSA”) Score Matrix is not used to determine whether a defendant should be released when a pretrial detention motion is filed by the prosecutor. The PSA Score Matrix is used as a tool for recommending the appropriate level of pretrial services supervision in a defendant’s conditions of release if the judge denies a motion for pretrial detention and releases the defendant.